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Shop By CategoryWhy A McLane Reel Mower?Choosing the Correct Reel Mower for your propertyANSWERS to FAQHonda -VS- Briggs EnginesStandard W-Series with Front Wheels (No Grooved Front Roller) Cuts 3/4" to 1-7/8"Standard GRSeries Mowers Cuts 3/4" to 2"LOW-CUTSeries Mowers Cuts 3/8" to 1-7/8"ULTRA LOW-CUTSeries Mowers Cuts 3/16" to 1-7/8"GREENSKEEPER 2Series Mowers Cuts 1/8" to 2-1/8"Walk-Behind EDGERS 30% OFF Edger Promotion! with Mower PurchasePHONE ORDERSBACKLAPPING KitsFRONT ROLLER KitsMULCH ShieldsSCALPING KitsGRASS CATCHER Kits FREE FREIGHT PolicyGUARANTEED Lowest Prices! DEALER OPPORTUNITIES & WHOLESALE INQUIRIES COMMENTS and IDEAS for PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTSABOUT US CUSTOMER CARECOPYRIGHT NOTICEGallery of McLane Lawns & Customer FeedbackSERVICE DEPT PARTS DEPT WARRANTY & RETURNS HomeStandard W-Series with Front Wheels (No Grooved Front Roller) Cuts 3/4" to 1-7/8"Basic 20" Reel Mower with Honda EngineBasic 20" Reel Mower with Honda Engine Item#: M20-7-120-WQuantity:Guaranteed Lowest Sale Price including FREE Freight to most areas: $2,295.00Availability:Usually ships in 2-3 business days